December 2023

December 2023

Newsletter December 2023 

Looking back on 2023​

In February, we started this new mental health service adventure; we've had a lot of fun and we've learned even more!  In our first month, a slow start with just three clients led us to many moments that we depended on God's voice... was this really what he wanted us to do?  Now, we are not even one year in business, and we will finish this calendar year with almost 1000 sessions performed between Tanya and Rens. We recognize God's blessing in that and are humbled that we get to play a small role in His work on the Earth.​

2023 has also been a year about professional development; Tanya completed her associated license and became fully licensed this fall. This opened the door to accepting insurance, which we immediately started working very hard on. We are now accepting Medicaid, CHIP and CSHCN, and 

are in process with some other major insurance companies. We expect to add more in early 2024. 

We also look back on some other great events and special moments. The biggest highlight was our grand opening, but also the parent roundtable at Antioch Community Church and partnering with organizations like Jane Around The World, where we provide mental health counseling for young 

women whom have aged out of foster care or are at high risk of being homeless.  We are so glad to be in a network with these different churches and organizations, in addition to other supporting local churches such as Risen Nation Church and the Harbor Church. 

Giving Tuesday 

Today is #givingtuesday2023. If you are still contemplating giving to a true, meaningful cause, please consider giving to Genesis Family. With your gift, we can provide mental health scholarships to those that need help but cannot afford it.​

We provide individual therapy, family/couples therapy, addiction recovery coaching for substance abuse as well as those suffering from behavioral addictions. This last year we were able to cover the entire mental health bill of 15 different individuals, and partial bills of 10 individuals. We are so 

thankful for all of you who have given already. 

Additionally, however, we do recognize the greater mental health crisis going on in the United States and therefore, there is no time like the present to continue to contribute to this cause. 

If you'd like to donate toward this great mission, please follow this link: 

If you are someone in need of mental health, but cannot afford it, our scholarships could be the right fit for you. Check out more information about our scholarship program here:

Looking forward to 2024​

Now that 2024 is around the corner, we also are in full preparations for this coming year. Apart from more insurances and new staff members that we hope to announce in early 2024, we are also thrilled to announce a few things that we had kept quiet until now: 

1) We are currently working hard to become BIPP certified. BIPP stands for Batterer Intervention and Prevention Program, and is a program organized by the State of Texas to end domestic/family violence. Currently Rens is in process to obtain all necessary credentials and certifications and we hope to have this program running by the end of the first quarter of 2024.​

2) We're going LIVE! Genesis Family is starting a podcast. Throughout 2023 we have been experimenting with how we can share the knowledge and skills that we obtain in our clinic with everyone who wants to listen. Thus, we organized speaking engagements, roundtables as well as 

Bible Forums with mixed responses. In 2024, we want to professionalize our knowledge sharing, and have decided we want to do this through one base platform.​

Starting a podcast was, after some market research, the best way to go. Currently, we are building a small recording studio with audio and video, where we will share best practices in biblically-based mental health counseling, but also plan to interview pastors, speakers and subject matter experts on relevant topics.​

We are starting a series of 12 podcasts on a wide variety of topics in early 2024. In December, we will finish building our studio, in January we will start recording our first podcast, and the first episode is expected to launch in April 2024. It is our hope that from April onwards we will have a new episode online every single month.​


3) Weekend retreats. Last but not least, 2024 will be the year in which we hope to launch Genesis Family weekend retreats. We have identified that a number of our clients are looking for more intense help in their self-development or marriages than one session per week. Since our slogan is "Restoring the Family Unit", we are taking this seriously and are now actively preparing weekend retreats.​

Initially, we will start with two types of retreats:​

a) Men's retreat; focusing on what it means to be a man, a husband and a father. This military style bootcamp is not for the faint of heart, and yet available for men of all fitness levels. Real conversations, real workshop trainings, and exercises that push you beyond your limits. We will retreat in a search to find God, and take a hard look in the mirror.​

b) Marriage retreat; Using the Gottman Institute methodology's we are spending a weekend or strengthening, improving and sometimes even saving marriages. In this 72 hour pressure cooker we take an in-depth look at the 7 principles of a working marriage, the sound relationship house, the 4 

Horseman and so many other helpful tools.

We expect the first retreats to take place in the second quarter of 2024.​


New Clinician 

Genesis Family is excited to hire another clinician in the coming months.  Due to the increase in demand for our services, our current clinicians’ case loads are almost at capacity, causing a need for another therapist or life coach.  Although we are advertising on multiple professional platforms, if you know of anyone who could be a great match, please have the applicant send their resume and cover letter to: You can find our vacancy text on our website, here: 

A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. ​

With all these updates, plans, hopes and dreams we are closing 2023 for Genesis Family. We truly wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a mentally healthy New Year!

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